Friday, May 13, 2011

Article “Ten characteristics of a good teacher” - Week 2 Reflection


          Reading the article “Ten characteristics of a good teacher” I found out the importance of affective characteristics and their influence on the learning process, and that made me reflect.
            I do believe that the way teachers conduct their lesson is determinant to the students’ engagement, motivation and consequently success in learning a language. Characteristics like enthusiasm, humor, pace, patience, encouragement, interest in the students and availability are some of the most important qualities of a good teacher. I had a great opportunity to confirm this thought while observing peers whose enthusiasm, commitment and believing in the students contaminated the whole class and lead students to be involved and enjoy the lesson.
            The author also mentions that using different aids and being creative is very important to engage students. Many teachers are afraid of using games or activities like that with adult learners but, in my opinion, students from all ages like and benefit from this kind of activity.
            Something I learned from this article and I want to remember is that speaking in the target language to the learners shows we believe in their knowledge, challenges them to speak in that languague as well as makes them feel like learning more. I agree we can and we should use the target language most of the time, not to say all the time, even with beginner students because it’s only a matter of making students get used to it.
            Another point of the article I’d like to comment on is the fact that we, teachers, should be prepared to answer questions related to the topic we are teaching. Considering that, we have to plan our lessons very well so that we are able to do this in a confident way. On the other hand, I don’t think it’s a big problem if the teacher can’t answer a student at the time he/she makes a question because it shows we are also learning and we have to study as they do.


  1. I totally agree with you Táila. We teachers must prepare the best class we can everyday, but if we face some problems concerning the subject we are teaching, we just have to be fair enough telling students we'll check and give them feedback.

  2. Hi Taila!
    I really like the way you exposed your point of view.
    We really need to be prepared to our students doubts and questions, and be ready for them, always!

  3. Hi Táila!
    You emphasized the importance of a teacher’s positive personal characteristics, creativity, use of English in the classroom, and careful class preparation. The fact that you connected these ideas to real situations you have already experienced both as a teacher and as a classroom observer is very desirable and it will certainly add more meaning to your studies. Keep up your great job!
